Goju-Ryu Karate Milton Keynes
First name (required)
Surname (required)
Date of Birth (required)
Gender (required) malefemale
Height (For uniforms if required)
Sun 10:00 120min
Sun 17:00 55min
Sun 18:00 90min
Thur 17:30 45min
Thur 18:20 50min
Thur 19:15 90min
*Junior advanced
*Cadets advanced
*Advanced = Cadets and Juniors over 4th Kyu (Blue belt) / **Adults may attend with their children / There is some flexibility, but this is a guide for available categories and which classes you could attend.
Select the classes you wish to attend, noting the availability above. Sun 10:00Sun 17:00Sun 18:00Thurs 17:30Thurs 18:20Thurs 19:15Private class
Notes Your start date will be your first class after your free taster class.
Start date
Starter bundles will provide you with everything you need to get started, including your first month’s fees, uniform and your equipment. Bundles are optional but will save you money and time. If you already have your own uniform and equipment, you don’t need to purchase a bundle, just your licence and monthly fees.
Junior basic
Junior premium
Adult basic
Adult premium
1 month training fees
1 year's EGKA membership
First grading with belt and certificate
Club logo badge
Basic gloves
Basic gloves or MMA gloves
Price (20% discount included) Under 150cm
BUY: £100
BUY: £134
N/A (please enquire)
Price (20% discount included) Over 150cm
BUY: £117
BUY: £170
BUY: £133
BUY: £186
If you purchase the wrong product, don't worry, we will refund or receive the difference. Full refunds are given only if products are unused. New members who opt for bundles receive them at a discounted rate compared to purchasing items individually if you opt for the DIY option. / 7oz is a lightweight cotton/polyester material, while 12oz is a heavyweight, higher quality canvas.
The DIY option is suitable for student who already own a uniform and equipment. Note that students will need to purchase a club badge and bring their own gloves and shinpads to training (mandatory for sparring).
Junior DIY
Cadet DIY
Adult DIY
BUY: £51
BUY: £58
BUY: £78
if you opt for the DIY option the first month's training fee is equivalent to the RONIN package. Students that select ZEN package still pay the RONIN fee for the first month, but this means you can join any classes for the first month. Students that select the SAMURAI package will need to pay an additional fee if they wish to take a private session in the first month.
Either purchase a bundle now by clicking on a link above. That will open a new tab so you can then return to this form. Alternatively, return to the Bundles page after completing this form.
For our records, please select the Bundle you will/have purchased: Junior basicJunior premiumAdult basicAdult premiumJunior DIYCadet DIYAdult DIY
Package classes/wk
ZEN (1/wk)
RONIN (2/wk)
SAMURAI (unlimited +1 private)
Adults / Cadets
Junior /peewees
1 person £20/hour
2 people £30
Family plans apply for 2 or more members from the same family and equates to approximately 20% discount.
Select a Plan (required) ZEN junior/peeweesZEN family junior/peeweesZEN adult/cadetZEN family adult/cadetRONIN junior/peeweesRONIN family junior/peeweesRONIN adult/cadetRONIN family adult/cadetSAMURAI junior/peeweeSAMURAI adult/cadetPrivate
Address line 1 Address line 2 Town Postcode
Contact Email (required)
Contact Phone No. (required)
Guardian's Name (if applicable)
Any health or behaviour conditions that may affect training ability or that we should know about? (if applicable)
Any criminal convictions for violence? noyes
Any other information or questions (optional)
Please let us know how you found us blankInternet searchFacebookRecommended by and existing memberThrough a friendAdvertisementOther
I have read and accept the club Terms and Conditions. (required)
I have read and accept the club club data privacy policy (required)